Online Exam Review

WJEC OER Website

NEW Assessment Feedback package OER has been discontinued from 2024 and replaced with our new Assessment Feedback package. Click Here. OER materials from previous series up to summer 2023 can still be accessed for free via this platform.

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Welcome to the WJEC’s Online Exam Review website. Here you will find a collection of interactive units that bring together a number of elements including general data, exam questions, their marking schemes and examiner comments, which will lead you through a review of exam questions.

Over time, the site will build into a comprehensive database of units focusing on each summer’s exam session.

If you have any feedback regarding any of the reviews then please feel free to contact us, and we will send your comments on to the relevant subject officer.

Adobe Acrobat DC – Recommended pdf reader for OER

Most new internet browsers have a pdf reader preinstalled; however they do not support the more interactive content of the OER Units. We recommend that you change the default pdf reader of your browser to Adobe Acrobat DC. A free download of this software can be found at (remember to un-tick the optional offer).

A complete set of instructions on how to change the default pdf reader for all browsers can be downloaded here.

Online Exam Review Presentation

Click here for a full guide on how to implement our OERs.

Using the OER Part 1 Slide - Recognising Weaknesses
Using the OER Part 2 Slide - Looking at examples
Using the OER Part 4 Slide - Try it yourself
Using the OER Part 4 Slide - Examiner Feedback